Thursday, October 6, 2011

Get Educated From The Pros

I like a lot of people spend a lot of time on YouTube browsing tutorial videos and just trying to get that one little golden tip.  But if your serious about your craft or just want to know how the pros do things, I can't recommend a show on YouTube enough called Pensado's Place.

The show is hosted by Dave Pensado who has worked with real industry giants in music.  The show is more mixing and engineering centric than anything but they do have some producer guests on their.  Even if mixing isn't your thing, I still recommend you watch.  The information this show lays out is priceless. The guest list is like a music industry behind the scene red carpet list.  And it's just plain entertaining and informative.

Go check it out for yourselves though.  Even though the show is free this is quality worth paying for.

Pensado's Place on YouTube

Social Networking Your Beats

Alright y'all.  I took a day off from making any beats at all to put up my new VIP Sound Click page and this blog.  Like a lot of y'all I don't have a lot of money to spend on this so I actually did all my own graphics for the Sound Click page.  Shoot over there and check it out.  Let me know what you think.  I know it's very basic, but until I start seeing some revenues from my beats its gonna have to stay like that. Selling beats as you may know is all about the networking.  So I've been trying to get myself on all the major social sites and get relevant. I'll post the links below.  If you have any tips or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment and let me know. Cheers and keep your head noddin'.

Social Networking Links:

First Post

This blog is going to be an attempt to chronicle and share my experiences, share information, and hopefully bring yall some good tips as a Hip Hop producer. Stay tuned...